Let’s make this a better
world one step at a time

We believe that every effort to make this world a better place counts and we play our role in it. We’re committed to growing our business in ways that are socially responsible and environmentally sustainable. We support United Nations Sustainable Development Goals that are focusing on gender equality, climate change and reforestation.

Gender equality

Gender equality plays an important role in today’s society as a fundamental human right to develop a peaceful and sustainable world. There has been progress over the past decade where more women were represented in leadership positions and fewer of them were forced into a marriage.

On the other hand, due to global pandemic the gender equality efforts took a step back and might have made the situation worse.

As recruiters we want to actively help the gender equality cause and make an effort to stop this discrimination during hiring processees. Therefore we will minimize revealing any hints of gender to our client for as much as it’s feasible and practical.


We became partners with One Tree Planted organization. It’s very important to us that we actively help the environment and through this partnership it is possible.

Climate change is affecting every country in the world and even though the gas emissions are predicted to drop down, due to travel bans resulting from lockdowns, this is temporary. Once the travel restrictions will be lifted and the global economy restarts again, so will the climate change continue.

The way we want to play our part in building a sustainable world and fight climate change is through reforestation. For every successful recruitment process we will plant 50 trees.

Images source: One Tree Planted