
Startups and scaleups often face difficulties when hiring for their open commercial positions. It can be tempting to rely on intuition and gut feeling but that isn't an effective way to recruit new team members.

We can solve this challenge with our data driven approach that includes AI, comparison models and proven practical assignments. We can also help you coach your sales team where we have more than 12 years of experience.


We designed our recruitment process to hire your next high performing revenue provider in sales, customer success, and customer service positions. We use data analysis on both hard skills and soft skills where they are ranked based on AI results. We believe more in cases, scenarios, assignments, tests, comparison tools than cover letters and gut feelings.

Sales training

We designed our recruitment process to hire your next high performing revenue provider in sales, customer success, and customer service positions. We use data analysis on both hard skills and soft skills where they are ranked based on AI results. We believe more in cases, scenarios, assignments, tests, comparison tools than cover letters and gut feelings.